Dance of Water and Light
"Vernal Falls is one of the most famous waterfalls in Yosemite National Park. It's spectacular and wonderful and there are always rainbows there. There can be rainbows in any waterfall, but this one is particularly famous for its rainbows. They're very bright and intense.
"While it's never easy to make a beautiful painting, the hard work is often a joy when the subject is so inspiring. When you distill the entire attraction of waterfalls down, they represent life. Water, in the Native American tradition, is the blood of Mother Earth. Water is the liquid that makes everything live. And, of course, everything that is alive has water in it. On top of that, there's the rainbow. It's a phenomenon that's very magical and spiritual. You can never walk up to a rainbow. You can never get close to it, but you can always see it. And in a waterfall, it's always appearing and disappearing - like magic. It's a spiritual symbol." - Stephen Lyman
Dance of Water and Light
Stephen Lyman
This Piece has been Signed by Stephen Lyman